From RGB to CMYK! Color mode conversion method
How to change color mode using Photoshop
Here, let's use Photoshop to convert to CMYK.

Select "Mode" from "Image", and if the color is "RGB color", change it to "CMYK color".
However, when converting in this way, if you change from RGB to CMYK, there will be areas where colors cannot be reproduced and become dull .
I want to print RGB data, but I don't want to change the colors as much as possible.
RGB printing solves these problems.
→ Explanation of RGB printing! Differences from CMYK printing and reasons for recommendation
Use PHOTOPRI for RGB printing
Our service, "PHOTOPRI", aims at high-quality printing used by solo exhibition artists and professionals in various industries, and supports wide color gamut RGB and Adobe RGB printing.
Even if you do not convert the image to CMYK, if you print in RGB, you can print the original RGB image as it is, saving you the trouble of converting it, and you can print with colors that are not dull.
First of all, there is a free trial print, so if you want to try RGB printing but can't do it at home, please try it.